Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Well folks...it was another disappointing turn out for us homeowners.

I know that there are many of you out there who DO NOT like how our HOA is operated by the Board of Directors; so why are you not showing up to the meetings and making your voice heard?

There were only 3 (to include myself) homeowners who showed up, all 3 of us being the longest homeowners in the association since it was established; and all 3 of us having been a member of the board or CC&R committee (when there was one years ago).

That left 32 present by proxy (paper), making it a total of 35 out of 60 homeowners needed to be present in order for there to be a quorum.

Now the next meeting, July 17, 2012, by statute, will only require 20% vs. the original 30% needed for a quorum; and if that happens...the quorum will be met on paper and not homeowners actually present.

Do you understand what that means? The Board of Directors will have a say in who the next two directors are, and I would not put it past any of them (especially our ineffective President of the HOA, Tony Roos and his cohort Linda Hanson...two directors who have been on the board for far too long serving their own needs and not those of the homeowners within this association) to have swayed the votes of some of those who sent in their proxies.

Moreover, if we don't force serious changes with whom serves on the Board of Directors of the Oak Knoll HOA...we will continue to pay annual dues that benefit board members in direct contradiction of their fiduciary duty as a board member (yes Linda Hanson, that means you who enjoys having your street trees cared for and sidewalk maintained and/or repaired if needs be along Foothills Drive at the expense of the rest of the homeowners when those trees are NOT common improvements of the HOA); and they will continue to spend money on things that do not need to be expended upon.

Taking another look at this years budget, $6,000 was allocated for landscaping...in January 2012 alone the board of directors spent more than half that on raising irrigation water meters, replacing two street trees along Foothills Drive, and modifying the irrigation along the same drive. NONE OF WHICH ARE COMMON IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE CC&Rs!!!!!

It's only June 19...we still have 6 months to go...and I really doubt that less than $2,500 is going to cover the landscaping costs along Foothills Drive and the traffic circle; and without a Reserve (which was supposed to be funded per statute)...where is the board going to get the money to pay the extended landscaping costs...creative accounting?

This community without question has one of the most messed up Board of Directors and have for more than four years; especially with a person who once wrote to a past board calling them Nazi's and supreme rulers and another benefiting with part of her landscaping being paid for by the rest of us.

What's even more sad than only 3 of us showing up at the meeting tonight is the fact that the Board of Directors's would not even allow one of the member's present to speak let alone ask questions. He left frustrated, as he often does because the board - as observed both in person and by their own words and actions in how they take care of their property (yeah, that means you Tony Roos) - are unmoving in their ignorance of their fiduciary duties as both members of this association and directors of the HOA.

Oh, and the meeting lasted all but 5 minutes starting 5 minutes late even...

I'm curious...what is it really going to take for people to attend these meetings and nail the board members to the wall with legitimate questions and challenging their illconceived perceived "status quo" authority for which they do not have per the CC&Rs, By Laws, and as outlined under the Oregon Planned Community Act?

Sincerey Yours...OKHA WatchDog

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